Friday, May 1, 2020

So you should pay attention to hygiene eyes

how to breed the Yorkshire Terrier The grooming of the Yorkshire Terrier is very important. Because they have long hair, it is easy to become a home for pathogenic bacteria. Every week, you should shower the Yorkshire Terrier once or twice to make sure they are always clean. When showering them, use dog shampoos and shampoos to completely remove dirt. Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breeding Method After a shower, you need to use a dryer to dry their coat. Don't forget to do this because a wet coat will make the Yorkshire Terrier more prone to skin diseases. In the summer, the weather is hot, you should trim the fur of Yorkshire Terrier dogs so neatly and coolly. Brush them at least twice a week. The Yorkshire Terrier regularly secretes fluid in the eyes.

So you should pay attention to hygiene eyes for them regularly. not only that, the oral hygiene is also very urgent, so bring a plan to brush your teeth regularly. not only that you must use toothpaste specifically for dogs, should not consume human toothpaste because contain common ingredients harmful to animals. Health & Fitness of Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier is small, so it is easy to get injured. A sudden blow, a small accident can also make their bones carry the ability to break. Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier dog health The Yorkshire Terrier is often faced with diseases related to: gastrointestinal tract, skin disease, muscle injuries, herniated hernias ... characteristic in the cold winter, they susceptible to bronchitis eczema

That's why you should wear the Yorkshire Terrier clothes. Just help preserve health while improving aesthetics. If you give the Yorkshire Terrier an irregular diet and a full meal, they can make them sick. Foods that the Yorkshire Terrier needs to minimize are: corn, soy. When the Yorkshire Terrier shows signs of losing weight quickly, becoming skinny, they are likely to suffer from hypoglycemia. This means that blood sugar levels decrease, leaving them with no energy for their daily activities.

Other common diseases seen in the Yorkshire Terrier are early tooth loss, difficulty giving birth, and deaf ears ... when it detects that your dog has any abnormal signals, take them to the historic facility to be standard. Guess and treat promptly. Essential nutrients for Yorkshire Terrier The most affordable food for Yorkies Protein Protein is an essential nutrient that promotes the growth of bones and muscles. Protein is widely carried in the muscles of animals. You can feed them chicken thighs, beef, frying slaughter

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Cute Carbohydrates Experts say that foods with carbohydrates are very affordable for the health of the Yorkshire Terrier. You should feed this dog with foods that contain common carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, rice. In addition, some other foods that also contains carbohydrates such as corn and soy are not recommended. Because these are foods that are not suitable for the digestive system of the Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkshire Terrier fat needs to be produced in fat so that their fur is always soft and shiny like silk. Look for foods with distilled fish oil. Or you can not buy

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