The heads are bigger than the body, the black nose, the more popular the face is with the deep wrinkles. The coat is short but strong, like the coat on a toothbrush. model with a sad look, as if always "hatred for life". Moreover, his temperament is very generous, active and witty. They belong to the omnivorous ranks, which can eat anything you give. So it is also very easy to feed. the shar pei puppies sleep together. They are part of the omnivorous team, which can eat anything you give. So it is also very easy to feed. Facial sagging and wrinkled skin can make many people are afraid of aesthetics, but possessing some are quite passionate about that point in them. Especially the famous Shar Pei bear fur, both full-bodied and hairy. With a wrinkled face and an old sad face, she's cute like a "royal family". The sense of independence as a weapon, then Shar Pei's skin is ... armor! As Sieupet mentioned above, Shar Pei is classified as a fighting dog. not only that, Shar Pei is also "the first dog in the Chinese arena". Shar Pei's skin looked so flabby, it looked like a joke. In fact, this skin is very thick, like an armor covering the whole body. Shar Pei is also the first dog in the Chinese arena Shar Pei is also the "first dog in the Chinese arena" Therefore, when fighting, they are difficult to be injured. Only that alone has contributed to helping Shar Pei "professing the world".
Although both their hearing and vision are not very good. Their heads are slightly larger than their bodies. The skin that kills the cheekbones also overlaps, the head is broad and wide. Shar Pei's nose was large and her nostrils were wide open. In the base of the nose to the tip of the nose is relatively empty, not a little feeling as if there is any bridge of the nose. The three dogs have three different hair colors. Their heads are relatively large compared to their bodies, and their distinctive wrinkled skin is the easiest sign to recognize Shar Pei. down to the lips. The tip of the tongue may have some pink spots besides, if it is only light pink, it will not be preferred. It is light blue at the tip of the tongue, this is the characteristic of Shar Pei that makes them more popular. points you often pay attention to when looking for the Shar Pei Shar Pei's eyes are dark, his eyes are cold, with a gloomy look. Small ears, thin, equilateral triangle. The methodological distance of the ears is quite wide, the children with erect ears are often unpopular. The Shar Pei is an unbeatable dog with the nickname of one of them. They are one of the fighting dog breeds, but not so the dog breeder is not "crazy" because of these dogs. right shoulder. The skin under the neck should not be wrinkled too. For example, wrinkles that are located on the body are not preferred. Unless that part of the meat is on the back or about to tail .
The back from the shoulders is relatively downward tendency, then rises upwards. The back is short but strong, the waist is quite similar to the arc. The chest is broad and deep, the chest well reaching to the elbow. Design features to pay attention The front legs are straight, the length is medium. The skin of the front leg has no wrinkles. The muscular rear legs are robust, do not bend excessively. posterior cornflower straight down perpendicular to the ground. The thighs and the area in the thigh if possessing thick or wrinkled skin should not be chosen. As for the tail, the Shar Pei tail is both coarse and round, gradually tapering back. The tail is located a little high, this is a unique feature of this Shar Pei dog. The tail is well carried and set very high up.
Even curled up into a circle on his back. without a tail or a tail is not preferred. Small Shar Pei puppies in the small range that have had the characteristics of this breed with gray or brown fur The young Shar Pei dog that has had this breed's characteristic is gray or brown in color The gait of the Shar Pei breed is relatively free , balanced and slightly downward trend. When the speed increases, the soles of the feet touch the ground with the tendency to put in between people. Running gait that increases legs is also not popular people like. How to take care of dog Shar Pei? The skin of the Shar Pei breed is slightly wrinkled, so they are capable of hiding dirt and bacteria quite high. Care should be taken to wash and clean, otherwise they will be more susceptible to skin diseases. In the summer, they should be bathed at least twice a week, and once in the fall, once a week. a shar pei Shar Pei dog if not carefully cared for it will be very easy to eyes for skin diseases On moist days, it should be noted for them to walk in dry, cool places. After showering, squid must use a dry towel. Every day you should use wet towels to wipe thoroughly on the skin. Sometimes they need to be trimmed. If the dog does not work regularly, the Shar Pei is easily obese.
Do not indiscriminate feeding, too common fat will affect health. Shar pei puppies on the lawn Need to move the Shar Pei regularly, this dog is very susceptible to obesity. Shar Pei is very susceptible to some diseases. Such as allergies, dermatitis, osteoarthritis, kidney failure, impaired jaw function, itchiness, eardrum, pleurisy. Not only that, this breed can also have eye problems. The skin on the face wrinkled and overlapped, causing their eyes to be pulled down. The eyelids will poke into the eye, making them unable to see clearly. If that happens, you should purchase medical facilities. Most of these diseases require surgery to be treated. mate for Shar Pei. The lowest mating period of the Shar Pei was the second oestrus. time of first estrus can only be called maturity. There is not a complete development. The second estrus will be good for themselves and the children. The shar pei dancing dog from the shallow stream is the best time to breed this breed when it is in its second cycle. The pregnancy cycle of the Shar Pei is usually 55-65 days. In that moment, both physical condition and personality will possess a variety of changes. After the Shar Pei dog has been pregnant for a month, the belly will clearly grow. The nipple appears to be prominent, elastic and possesses a pink color. After 30 days of pregnancy, if the owner examines by palpation outside the abdomen, the fetus will be felt. How to train Shar Pei? when Shar Pei dogs unconsciously bark, the owner must know the secret to stop in time. if they disobey, as a warning, by tapping their forehead. To temporarily prevent them from causing any noise.
The yellow-brown Shar Pei dog The owner needs to know the secret and proper training of Shar Pei In daily life, it is necessary for them to move around to get familiar with the situation. For example, you could give them a car horn. Let them hear the familiar door opening, TV sound. So that they can receive different statuses. Thanks to the same Shar Pei can quickly distinguish any situation, calmly opposite everything. limit their arbitrary barking. shar-pei-truong-thanh-ngoi-tren-training Shar Pei dog not only that, eating and drinking rest, go out or stand up. These things also need training. In addition, there must be training in many different ways. Farmers must always learn and gain experience to train them. Price of Shar Pei The Shar Pei dog eats little, is sedentary, and has a long life span. Wrinkled skin makes them unpopular, so this breed is still very rare in our country. with that, nor so do this breed of dog lose value. Their price ranges from 10 to 14 million. two dogs, Shar Pei, joked that the price of this dog is about 10-14 million. You can select dogs imported from the US or within China. But most people choose to import from China because the price range is "acrid" and still transfers more smoothly. Almost Siblings e
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