Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jaundice in dogs: causes and treatment

 There are many reasons for the onset of the disease. The main cause is damage to the liver or spleen. Veterinarians often face acute hepatitis. If this is an older individual, it may develop chronic organ inflammation. It also affects the pancreas and small intestine.

Rare fungal infections, including coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, can also cause disease. This approach is very dangerous, because the fungus is not afraid of drugs and does not die from them. We have to use stronger substances that can adversely affect the animal's body.

Primary obesity is also the cause of the disease. This pathology is typical of dogs that frequently eat poor-quality, moldy food. Pathology can appear against the background of hormonal disorders.

With inappropriate or improper use of the drug, this problem can arise. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), phenobarbital or primidone, metronidazole should be used with caution. Antibiotics can also cause a similar reaction, which owners often self-treat on their pets. It is best to consult with an experienced veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.

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The dog can be infected with primary poisoning. The poison initially penetrates the liver structure. Herbicides, rodent poisons, zinc-based compounds, and others are harmful to pets. Rarely the disease is related to liver failure or any genetic disorder of the breed.

Sometimes we are talking about problems with the biliary tract and with the gallbladder itself. The cause of the disease may also be due to worms that live in the biliary tract. The hemolytic form can develop after a tick bite.

Liver amyloidosis is common in some dogs. It leads to illness. Varieties in the risk group include Boxer, Hounds, Shar Pei, Bedlington Terrier. A separate group is made up of hunting species and street pets.

Unfortunately, not a single animal is immune to the disease.

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