Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2020

Dogs and human life that parents should learn

 What do we do when we have a small dog? One more step into life. Coexisting on the same awning And these dogs will change anything in our lives or not. Even the way we have to adjust ourselves when we live with him Let's see how the human-dog lifestyle is like real human friends.

1. The babysitter's relationship And dogs like parents and children

Dogs have been with humans for more than 15,000 years and have always been man's best friend. A true friend who gives love to people without doubts. But today, research by scientists at the Veterinary College in Vienna has confirmed that the Relationship between Dogs and Babysitters is also very similar. With the parent-child relationship found in humans The dogs are also able to adapt to living with humans. Some people even choose to have a dog as their main mate instead of a human.

2. Change us to have more patience

Petcitiz believes that on the first day friends Bring a new dog to live in the house Whether it is a childhood or middle-aged dog Must have met some of his excitement, such as crying or howling at night Wandering around the house barking Causes us to be restless for 1–2 weeks, and some people cannot sleep at night. Or bring it to others. But the reality, if we are patiently Calm down with all his actions and gradually Discipline little by little From the stubborn dog, it will be easier to say it, follow instructions without causing trouble. Also waiting nearby. Give each other love and warmth. Believe me that he will understand. And definitely cuter .

3. Change us for more discipline

That we and the dog will live well together. There should be rules in the house. That will allow him to follow the rules of our house The parties will have to follow their own rules in order to lose first, such as the old words like getting up late. Insomnia Life is not a pattern But when raising a dog Responsibility for another life Makes us wake up for more time Take him out to pee Eat on time Take it to the gym regularly. Discipline the dog This discipline will help prevent unkind behavior, aggression, and disobedience. There was also a good relationship between us and the dog.

4. Changing we learn to forgive and give

Many times the dog made mistakes. Accidental damage to furniture It could be that it gnawed at furniture, electrical wires, electrical equipment, shoes, bags, or even cell phones. That we try to tell you that you don't bite I still do how many warnings Until we want to punish them But just saw the dog's face bewildered, cocked his head not knowing what he did wrong. And who and where could punish. And even if it was a hit or a fierce loud voice, it could be to reinforce his aggressive behavior. What you should do is forgive and forgive what they do Gradually teach and teach patiently Because if we can't control our emotions Until he forgets to hurt him They we could lose the trust of our loyal friends for the rest of our lives.

You can also see: Can dogs have down syndrome

5. Make us have better human relationships

Before adopting a dog, some people may be away from home, listen to music, read books, or play on the computer alone. I rarely go out. But when a dog comes into life, it feels like being indirectly raped. Take him for a walk, see the world, socialize, meet many people. Even other dogs We too, meet and talk. Exchange your dog's story. This can also help build people-to-party relationships.

Can you see that keeping a dog for a lifetime gives us anything? Many things full of experience. And more happiness Warms our hearts And fills the void That was unconditional love That he gave us No matter how much we change Or how old you are His love constant. Just take care of him every day. And reciprocating love is enough.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jaundice in dogs: causes and treatment

 There are many reasons for the onset of the disease. The main cause is damage to the liver or spleen. Veterinarians often face acute hepatitis. If this is an older individual, it may develop chronic organ inflammation. It also affects the pancreas and small intestine.

Rare fungal infections, including coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, can also cause disease. This approach is very dangerous, because the fungus is not afraid of drugs and does not die from them. We have to use stronger substances that can adversely affect the animal's body.

Primary obesity is also the cause of the disease. This pathology is typical of dogs that frequently eat poor-quality, moldy food. Pathology can appear against the background of hormonal disorders.

With inappropriate or improper use of the drug, this problem can arise. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), phenobarbital or primidone, metronidazole should be used with caution. Antibiotics can also cause a similar reaction, which owners often self-treat on their pets. It is best to consult with an experienced veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.

See more:

The dog can be infected with primary poisoning. The poison initially penetrates the liver structure. Herbicides, rodent poisons, zinc-based compounds, and others are harmful to pets. Rarely the disease is related to liver failure or any genetic disorder of the breed.

Sometimes we are talking about problems with the biliary tract and with the gallbladder itself. The cause of the disease may also be due to worms that live in the biliary tract. The hemolytic form can develop after a tick bite.

Liver amyloidosis is common in some dogs. It leads to illness. Varieties in the risk group include Boxer, Hounds, Shar Pei, Bedlington Terrier. A separate group is made up of hunting species and street pets.

Unfortunately, not a single animal is immune to the disease.

Who is a bull and where did this breed come from?

 Who is the scammer and where did he come from? Remember a little bit of history. The emergence of the bullmastiff breed is dictated by the need of certain groups of people involved in the protection of private forest lands, forest guardians and game watchers, who seek to breed these the dog has the watchdog qualities of a clam, the resilience of a bulldog, the instinct and fatigue of a hound.

Only such an animal could complete the task given to it. We should also not forget the high combat qualities a four-legged assistant should have: killing a royal deer in medieval England would be punished by death, so armed poachers. was desperate against the arrest. All about bullmastiff breeds The selection of functional qualities and psychological traits follows: the dog must be strong, strong, resilient, sturdy, of medium height and weight, in order to cope with a or more people have a weapon during the arrest, but must also be controlled by the owner. 

These qualities have been polished for more than a generation of humans and have been constantly challenged in their work, not only in capturing poachers, but also in battles with bulls and wild animals. wild. One type of test is applied to such groups of dogs that have received further survival as their breed. Dog performance was also tested in traditional tests carried out in England until the 20th century. The nature of the tests stems from a volunteer going into the woods from the public, and then for a certain time, a dog in a muzzle is allowed to follow him, it will find him and keep him motionless until the owner arrives. 

The Thornwund Terror (owner Barton), who has never lost a test, has become particularly popular at such contests. In addition to these contests, Terror took part in battles that took place in the lobby of the old Westminster Aquarium until 1905, in which he was gagged up with anyone who wanted to measure his strength with him. Terror has never been defeated by anyone. Barton used a special training method, the system outlined in the article "Maintenance and education of sports dogs", published in 1905 and used by British military and police cytologists in their actual work. 

The official birth date of the bullmastiff is considered to be June 23, 1925 - the date of founding the Mindland Bullmastiff Club, recognized by the Kennel Club and developed the first breed standard. Nowadays, this breed is widely popular in America, Europe, Asian countries, and Russia. It is becoming more and more popular in our Ukraine. Characteristics The modern male dog's temper has become one of the main guarantees of the breed's health, and many Western dog breeders are inclined to consider it a physicist. thought. The personality of a bull is to control, obey, respond to the will and mood of the owner, adore children, and has no tendency to dominate the family. At the same time is an effective guard dog, sacrificing himself. The Bullmastiff is so calm, I would even say a flamboyant dog with envious patience. Many owners say about this, in families with young children growing up. Our "baby" was fourteen years old, but when my friend came to visit us with her little baby, Sheila graciously allowed him to pull his ear, poke his finger in his nose, look under the wing and step on her in every possible way

. But if the child becomes too uncomfortable, and she gets tired of his touches, then she wants to just quietly sneak up to her place. Children are the best friends of scammers. Despite appearing "sleepy" and lazy, the cowboy sincerely enjoys children's pleasures, accompanies his little owners, and in winter, he plays the "horse" Enjoy a ride of a sleigh. This is the versatile nature of the bullmastiff. Bullmastiffs has been with us for six years now. During this time, they have become more than just a hobby for me. Thanks to them, I have made many new friends, people who "love dogs", who love this breed. Many of them participate professionally in this breed. I really hope that both my experience and that of other breeders and owners of bulls, which I will try to summarize in this article, will help future owners of "god. This "pharmaceutical" understands and loves this breed, and also to find out if this breed is really suitable for them, for their way of life, whether they want a decent, intelligent friend. and so devoted to my side. All sassy guys are different in personality and temperament.

Monday, November 23, 2020

5 What is a natural cure for your dog?

The Natural Green Goddess blog has been posting articles on its website for the past few years. It provides ways to use items in the house that can help heal your dog. All of this is easy. That you can do on your own. But if you are unsure, be sure to have the veterinarian test it out before applying it to your dog, if possible.

1. Solve fungal infections and abdominal irritation with natural yogurt.

Jamie Lee Curtis, actress and doctor, presented about the amazing benefits of yogurt for the digestive tract. They are rich in good bacteria. This is great for preventing fungal infections, especially for puppies. Natural yogurt can be added to a dog's diet.

2. Remove ridges in hair with white butter.

If you and your naughty dog enjoy the outdoors. You may be faced with thorns, twigs, or anything else that gets caught in the dog's fur while walking. Sometimes the hard spikes can cling to the hairline, the skin of the feet, you can remove the spikes and care for the hair with white butter, as the sebum can help pull the spines out. However, it is important to bathe your dog after applying the oil to prevent the stain from spreading throughout the treatment area.

3. Prevent skin rash and itchiness with Calendula Tincture.

If your dog has an itchy skin or a red rash on the skin. An herb called 'calendula' works really well. Calendula has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This can help dogs with skin allergies or itchy bumps. Most health food stores sell calendula. Alcoholic tincture Dilute a small amount of tincture with water and spray over the affected area. It should also be checked when the dog is itchy. You should see if there are fleas. And don't forget to consult your veterinarian about food.

4. Wash your ears with apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Venica It appeared on many health blogs over the past year. Because of its amazing health properties According to its properties, it is also beneficial for dogs. If your dog has an itchy ear canal or earlobe, mix half of apple cider vinegar with half water and use it to clean the ear. By dampening a cotton ball and wiping gently around the ear until no irritation or debris has become trapped

What do we do when we know: Russian bear hunting dog

5. Prevent citrus ticks

Can prevent ticks with citrus. This is a natural way to help prevent animals from sucking blood. Use water or orange peel. Either lemon rub along the dog's fur. Or give a dog (or cat) lemon or orange juice. These extracts are rich in limonene. Which substances help prevent insects But too much can cause skin irritation. And can seriously affect the liver of the pet. So, if used in moderation, it will be very beneficial for the dog. I know these methods are easy to follow. But before use, you should consult a veterinarian for a bit. If you've used other natural remedies you can also let us know in the comments below. If those methods work

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The original owner threw his dog into the community gate

 Yesterday, I walked back to the community gate when I saw a girl with a cardboard box going to the gate and stopped, at that time I followed when she turned her body to another direction. I thought she forgot, but after I called, knowing the girl ran faster and faster, the owner threw her dog into the community gate, seeing the dog barking repeatedly. The piercing sound was really pitiful, but whatever, she didn't look at it again, no matter how much the dog barked.

Later I understood, it seemed this girl wanted to throw it away, and probably wanted someone to adopt it so she left it at the gate of this community. A stray dog, such a dog is really sorry, has just lost its owner, is alone at the community gate, next to not having any companions, this time it is really bad to bark. No, it is said that you don't have a mother like grass

She has no mother and no owner, it looks pitiful, her innocent little eyes look at me, blink and then I look around again, as if no one except me wants to see more. When I saw it, my heart felt even worse so I hugged it and prepared to adopt it, but I was despised by the guardians, didn't want it to be easy to raise, but he persuaded me not to be adopted, I immediately worry. , Who knows he said now, it's not like I underestimate you, it's better not to raise a young person like you, raise two days and then throw it out.

I retorted him at the time, whoever said he did not want to feed for two days, it was really too disregarding for him, at that time the security guard looked down on him, told me not to say it out loud, if he could not support it, he would discard it. Over here I took him home, at that time this boy was very funny, also a bit noisy, he used to give things everywhere but I also accept it, anyway, I got it back. At home, you cannot throw it away.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The big black dog bullied the owner, he heard the owner and was convinced

 Many shovel officials complained that since they had dogs, their status in the family was deteriorating. Many people may not understand, because as a higher animal, we humans should not own pets? Why do some people become nannies waiting for the dogs to eat and drink? In fact, how well you can get depends on which animal you choose to raise depends more on whether you can lead.

Although dogs are not as intelligent as humans, they are used to deceiving good and fearing evil. This black dog always ignores the words of its owner, only afraid that the owner really has a position gap. In this black dog's house, the mistress's status was lower than her, so she would often disobey her master, regardless of what happened to her owner. In short, this black dog deceives goodness and fear of evil.

One day the owner came home and saw that a black dog was being disturbed in the house, what she taught him, she also showed indifference and had no intentions, the owner had no way to arrest him. The helpless owner had to resort to a trick, that was to call her husband, and the owner cursed at a black dog who did not listen on the phone. When he heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line, the black dog knew he was going to happen.

Hearing the male owner call, the dog's expression immediately changed, not knowing what the male owner said to the dog, but his expression grew heavier when he smiled at first. In the end, the dog cried and closed his eyes and did not want to face, the owner could not bear it, so she hung up. An unpredictable expression like a drama is funny.

This is a typical case of deceiving good and evil, and the dog also picks soft persimmons. This funny picture made netizens wonder what the male owner said to the dog and the dog created such a hilarious reaction. I want to remind everyone that dogs as well as children must be educated, don't just let them pamper them, pamper them lest they have a position and climb on top, don't blame everyone for not telling.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Consume more pet fashion

 Pet fashion consumption is not only a completely new consumer concept, but with the development of the pet economy, it has become a requirement of quality and life for many pet owners. .

Pet theme park

This is an activity site dedicated to providing various services to pets. All kinds of recreational facilities, dog games and people's playgrounds are fully open. It also includes professional pet training equipment, pet swimming pools, a baffle design suitable for pets of different sizes, so that pet owners and their pets can be at their disposal. enjoy a relaxed and comfortable life!

A theme restaurant can be shared with your pet

It not only offers delicious food for humans, but also offers delicate snacks and treats that dogs normally cannot eat. Elegant environment and warm atmosphere. Maybe you'll meet new friends, chat about it, spend some time and decorate your quality life!

This is the life that many of you dream of! During the holidays, bring your dog, say goodbye to the hustle and bustle of the city and return to nature surrounded, enjoying every moment there. Wake up early to see the morning sun, enjoy the night view at sunset, uninterrupted by extraneous things, and enjoy exceptional tranquility and freedom!

As a new type of portrait photography, pet photography is increasingly welcomed and loved by many pet owners. How many years will a person have? Most of our pets have only one. Over the past ten years, pets have been with us from small days to major changes in life, we experience and witness together.

Use your lens to capture classic moments with your pet, and use the lens to capture the best moments with your pet ...

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Keeping a dog in the elderly

Keeping a dog in the elderly is also a source of nutrition, and it can probably save your life during a difficult time.

Rudy Armstrong, a 86-year-old former US soldier, lives alone in a boat house, with only a piece of Chihuahua cloth. The town is quiet and comfortable, everyday the elderly take a leisurely walk with Bubu on the station every day to admire the scenery, life is very comfortable.

2020 New Year's Resolutions for your Pets! - Pet-Nanny Pet-Nanny

But one morning, the old man sitting and enjoying coffee suddenly could not move his hands and feet, turned his head, and could not call for help.

The old man living alone can only put his hope in Bobo, and tells Bobo that Bobo needs to be rescued, and go to the jetty attendant Kim Whittaker!

Although the ancients often take Bobo to find old friends, Bobo does not know if he remembers his name or knows to ask for help.

Suddenly, Bubu ran to find an old friend of his master.

Admin Lao Jin was also surprised to see Bubu, usually only one person and one dog, but Bubu was running around: Bubu, master? Why don't you come together.

Unexpectedly Bubu heard the owner and lay down on the ground away, old Jin felt something was wrong and rushed to the boat house, only to find that Bubu's owner had fallen to the ground.

With Boob's help, the stroke's owner regained life. During the few days when the host was hospitalized, Boob always missed him in a special way. Fortunately, the hospital arranged for the owner and the dog to meet after learning of the situation! Seeing its master's excitement, Bubu jumped directly into its master's arms, its tail wagging to the point of wanting to break.

The old man also embraces Bobo tightly, thanks to this faithful old man that he does not know how to get sick!

Hopefully you can recover as soon as possible, otherwise no one will take care of such a loyal and intelligent dog.
Today, according to official sources from Shishi Police, some netizens reported that a man in Shishi was driving a regular motorcycle at the intersection of Haojiang Road and Jialu Road, riding a motorcycle to pull a puppy. The man is suspected of wearing a police uniform.

Then the man was stopped by the enthusiastic crowd and found out that the puppy was injured.

Currently, according to information received from the Shishi Public Security Bureau, this man is Wu (from Fuzhou, Jiangxi, 48 years old).

After investigation, a man surnamed Wu, an employee of a real estate company in Shishi, Wu claimed that a first-class wild dog was found on Jialu Street at 10am on August 25. There is a dog at home, so Wu wants to adopt the dog. He tied the dog up with a rope and rode it on the motorbike. At first the puppy was on a motorbike but it may be exhausted and dragged by the motorbike until the puppy is injured.

When the crowd stopped Wu, they found the dog's legs and stomach were injured, fortunately the dog's life was not in danger.

The puppy was then taken away by an enthusiastic crowd who said they would take the puppy to the vet and adopt it.

Later, a blogger posted a photo of the dog during the treatment and said: "Thank you for your concern and concern! The dog is currently being treated at our hospital. very manly, friendly to everyone and not like anyone.

As for the man pulling the motorcycle, Wu said he wanted to adopt it and take it with him on a motorbike, but he accidentally turned into a rickshaw.

The Shishi Public Security Bureau stated that Wu committed an illegal act in violation of the prohibition marking instructions for motor vehicles and the Shishi City Traffic Police Department's Traffic Police Brigade punished punish him under the People's Republic of China Road Traffic Safety Act.

Netizens expressed strong doubts about Wu's plea, such as

"If you really want to adopt it, you'll put it on the pedal and not pull it."

"Is this a new explanation for dog abuse?"

"Want to adopt? Afraid of wanting to eat dog meat."

"Even if you don't really notice, such a focus person is not suitable for pets. The point is whether you can bring them home to feed them every day or not."

Normally, it is possible to use a bicycle to lead the dog because the bike speed is very slow and the maneuverability is high, the dog can practice running with the dog, but motorbikes are fast motor vehicles. height. "Legging the dog" sounds ridiculous, do you believe it or not?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Having a greedy cat at home is particularly funny

Having a greedy cat at home is particularly funny. Because gluttonous cats will use whatever they want to get the food they want, so they will behave very humorous. Normally, we can all see a cat being called to eat, to get food, to quarrel with its owner. But the owner just wouldn't give them food, so they would try by all means to mess with the owner.

A netizen raised a small, fat cat in her home. The small fat cat of netizens has a long, dark brown fur. The brown black coat makes the kitten look lovely. More importantly, the kitten is a bit fat. Because kittens often like snacking, especially when netizens are snacking, the kittens follow directly to eat. Netizens feel very helpless, every time they eat snacks, they are snatched away by their kittens.

Today, netizens took a piece of ice cream and was slowly tasting it, however, the cat discovered that netizens were sneakily eating junk food. So the kitten quickly fell into the hands of netizens. Netizens, no matter what, can not get rid of the kitten and the kitten who caught the ice cream. Looks like I have to give this ice cream back to the kitten today. Originally hybrid can only hide clumsy food.

When a dog has diarrhea every day

When a dog has diarrhea every day, pet owners must pay attention to it and find out the cause of the dog's diarrhea as soon as possible, then take measures to take root measures to help the dog from the root cause. Here are the more common causes and remedies when dogs have diarrhea, pet owners with needs can refer to appropriate application:

1. Food problem

In general, diarrhea is related to everyday foods. Therefore, pet owners must first carefully examine the dog's food for spoilage, or if the dog accidentally ate something that was not clean. Another reason is the poor quality of the dog's food.

If the owner is found to be such a problem, the pet owner should immediately change the dog's food, and ensure that the dog food is clean, hygienic, and fresh. In addition, do not give your dog meals or snacks that people have eaten because they spoil it, otherwise it will easily lead to diarrhea.

2. Problems with the digestive tract and in response to stress

Some dogs have poor digestion, and when overeating, too mixed or irregular, they tend to digest poorly, which can cause diarrhea. In addition, the sudden change of habitat, new dog food, vaccination, and deworming will cause the dog to react stress, leading to diarrhea in some dogs.

For the above situation, pet owners need to take corresponding treatment measures, then feed the dog some probiotics such as "Vuong Duoc Su", which can be fed directly in warm water to help. Dogs add good bacteria to the gut. Bacteria, which promote dogs to restore their normal ability to digest.

3. Endogenous

Dogs have diarrhea every day.

In this regard, pet owners can observe for bloodshot or worm eggs in the dog's feces, or collect the dog's feces and go to the pet hospital to check the feces. If it is determined to be caused by a parasite, give the dog the worm bleach according to the insect tested on the body. During the ensuing time, be sure to deworm your dog regularly to prevent it from harming again.

Four, enteritis, plague in dogs

If the dog has symptoms such as decreased appetite, lack of energy and vomiting during daily diarrhea, it could be caused by diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and plague. It is recommended that the pet owner take the dog to the pet hospital for immediate treatment, after having been clearly checked by the veterinarian that there should be appropriate handling measures so as not to delay the dog condition.

In addition to the above reasons, colds and colds can also cause diarrhea in your dog every day. Therefore, pet owners should pay attention to the changing weather and keep the dog warm. Also pay attention, regardless of spring, summer, autumn, winter, dog should not lie on a cold floor for long, otherwise it will easily cause cold stomach, diarrhea.

In your daily dog-keeping routine

In your daily dog-keeping routine, you may come across a dog bitten by another dog. Some new dog owners may not know how to do this. In this regard, based on personal experience with dogs, here are some common methods for treating dog wounds:

1. Clean and disinfect the wound

When taking the dog outside, if there is a case of a dog being bitten by another dog, first the owner must prevent the dog from vigorous exercise, then take home comfort, cut the hair around the wound and shave. To avoid hair sticking to the wound.

Next, you should clean the wound with a cotton swab and normal normal saline first to clean foreign objects and secretions from the wound. It is then simply disinfected with hydrogen peroxide to ensure that there are no bacteria left in the wound.

Two, use pets quickly

After the wound has been cleaned and disinfected, and when it is dry, pet owners should sprinkle an appropriate amount of "pet speed", taking care to completely seal the wound. Then apply a bandage with a non-fat cotton bandage, and then wrap the gauze bandage to avoid infection of the wound. At the same time, observe the wound healing and change the bandage promptly.

Also, when a dog is injured, it often unconsciously licks the wound. So, pet owners should pay attention to wearing Elizabeth rings for dogs to avoid dogs licking or scratching the wound, which will affect the wound healing process.

Three, reasonable nutritional supplements

In addition to helping the dog deal with the body cavities bitten by other dogs, pet owners should also provide them with proper nutrition. In this regard, the breeder should feed the dog the main food, and then properly feed some nutritious foods such as nutritional cream, canned food, nutritious meals so that the dog can maintain. Adequate nutrition in the body, certain benefits for wound healing.

Finally, remind pet owners that while treating your dog's scabies, be careful to keep the wound dry and clean and keep the dog away from water. At the same time, you can let your dog recover at home first and then go out after the wound has healed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dogs are very loyal animals

Dogs are very loyal animals, after leaving their old owners, they will feel anxious and uncomfortable when meeting the new owner, they will feel hostile and aggressive towards the new owner. The new owner will not eat dog food, that is normal. But Teddy has not eaten for a long time, for 5 days it is inactive, the dog is likely to die of starvation because it refuses to eat. So, pet owners must have timely measures when feeding Teddy.

1. Talk and play games with Teddy.

Teddy does not want to eat mainly because he is not familiar with the new owner so he does not want to eat food given by the new owner. In this regard, the pet owner can regularly communicate with Teddy, talk, and call the dog's name gently. Use some small toys to guide Teddy to play with himself, slowly let go of Teddy's protections and build a sense of mutual trust. When Teddy becomes less aggressive with the new owner, it will naturally eat up.

2. Add digestive enzymes to Teddy.

Teddy does not eat for 5 days and does not feel hungry, possibly due to lack of digestive enzymes. So, pet owners can feed Teddy Wang Xiangshi with powder, supplement with digestive enzymes and probiotics, feed it with yogurt so Teddy can digest the cravings and promote the cravings. The food prepared for Teddy can be richer. Don't just prepare dog food. Beef, chicken breast, big tube bones, broccoli, carrots, whipped cream, etc. All can be eaten by Teddy. See what Teddy wants to eat and what to feed him. Add nutrients and energy, don't put your dog in danger.

3. Go to the hospital for a checkup.

Teddy did not want to eat for a long time, apart from the stress response to the new owner, it could also be a physical problem. Pet owners should take their dogs to the hospital to see if the dog has parasites or what caused the dog to skip meals. Need to treat the cause and wait until the dog's disease is completely gone before slowly recovering Teddy's appetite.

We say there are many wonderful things in the world

We say there are many wonderful things in the world, such as fate. Fate is really great. It felt like a very magical thing. We cannot say or understand, but it is the truth. The things that exist have brought us many emotions and surprises.

One day, a beautiful young girl moved into a new house due to work, when she came downstairs after finishing a new house, she found a stray dog ​​in the trash downstairs, the stray dog ​​in on the trash and do not move. Touched, and very strangely, the two of them only loved each other for a moment, and just stared at each other.

The younger sister is haunted by this look, she feels that she will adopt this dog, she feels very strange, as if this dog should be adopted by her, and she also has feelings. feeling that this dog will be hers. She took good care of it so she got up and took the dog away.

The great thing is that the dog did not refuse the stranger's hug, the young girl took him to the hospital, when the doctor went to the hospital, the doctor examined the dog's whole body and cleaned his body to confirm. no big deal. The dog was vaccinated, then moved into a new home with clean, fragrant puppies, and then lived a new life, after a while the dog got acquainted with the owner and they were very happy.

Monday, August 17, 2020

These days, a lot of pet owners love to trick their pets

These days, a lot of pet owners love to trick their pets, on this day, when a person is shopping, she sees a toy snake on the street, she suddenly wants to use this to trick her. her cat. So I bought one and went home.

After returning home, the cat was lying on the sofa sleeping peacefully. Seeing the shovel staff turned back, she just raised her eyes, had no intention of getting up to meet her, about this, the shovel staff was not happy, she took her toy snake, very excited to come beside cat. And quietly put the toy snake on the cat's back. At first, the cat did not react too much, but when it opened its eyes and felt something on its back, it turned to look.

When he found out that it was a snake, the guy completely lost control, immediately jumped up from the sofa, his mouth opened wide and let out a sound, it seemed this guy was really scared by the toy snake. . It probably thinks it's a real snake. After the cat jumped and got rid of the toy snake, it quickly ran away from the scene and never went to the living room again. No matter how shoveled the staff, he was already hiding in the corner, it was estimated that this guy was really scared, there was a man who shoveled such dung in the house, it seems that the cat was also very reckless.
The dog of a netizen has always been anorexic. Even the best food is given to it, it just smells and never opens its mouth. Seeing a scene like this with dogs, netizens are very worried, this guy often sees delicious food coming immediately, what happened two days ago?

To find out why the dog did not eat, netizens took him to the pet hospital. When the doctor conducted an X-ray of the dog, he discovered that there were many coins in the dog's stomach. This is why he doesn't. Reasons for eating.

These coins have been in the dog's belly for a long time, if not removed, it could endanger the dog's life. Fortunately, after the operation, the coins in the dog's stomach were all gone. All were taken out, there were more than ten people.

Netizens were stunned to see these coins, not knowing when this guy swallowed them. Swallow stuff.

Luckily, it is now through the crisis and is delicious. Every pet owner should be on the lookout for recent pet conditions, so don't let this kind of danger reoccur.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The large golden retriever was inconvenient to move

 The large golden retriever was inconvenient to move and unfortunately fell into the hands of a dog dealer. The act of a kind man is admirable

When puppies are strayed by the butcher in their hands, most of them face the cruel treatment of dog dealers. Recently, a pregnant stray dog ​​had a second chance of feeling warm because it met a kind person. This wild dog is a pregnant large golden retriever. At that time, it was spotted by a dog dealer while it was walking on the street with its big belly. Seeing that the dog had no owner by his side, the dog dealer did not hesitate to put the dog in the dog carriage, intending to kill for money.

Even though the dog was pregnant, the dog dealer was unkind. Just think of killing the dog quickly and then selling the meat to make a profit. When the dog dealer pulled the dog out, he happened to be seen by his friend Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang was a very concerned person. When he saw a pregnant dog being treated cruelly to the dog dealer, a man rushed over and snatched the dog dealers' dog without any mercy.

The dog dealer disagreed when he first discussed buying a running dog, thinking that killing the dog and selling meat would make more money, but Zhang's sharp comments immediately caused a dog dealer is to be guilty. Seeing the dog dealer stubbornly want to continue killing, Tieu Truong immediately said aggressively: "Where is this dog from, don't you know? Just call the police, this dog will be done, now. If you sell it to me, you also have the opportunity to make money. If you really want to make it too humid, you won't get any benefit, but go to prison for stealing other people's pets. "

After the dog dealer heard Xiao Zhang's threats, he immediately changed his attitude and sold the dog. After that, Xiao Zhang made a neat payment and did not let herself be left behind. Seeing the large and thin golden retriever with such a big belly, Xiao Zhang felt very distressed and immediately took the golden retriever to the hospital for a checkup. The Big Golden Retriever probably felt the warmth of the house before, and seeing Xiao Zhang's care for it, tears slowly appeared in the dog's eyes.

This dog only tasted a little human care and showed such emotion, which shows that this dog must be very homesick. The Golden Retriever will become a stray dog, largely because it was abandoned and missing by the shovel officer.

But the golden retriever is a very good dog, not sure the shovel officer will throw it away, this dog will get lost on the street, most likely because the lost dog does not know his home, and stray from there. now. life.

Since you have a dog, the shovel officer is responsible for the dog's life. If this golden retriever did not meet the kind Zhang, it would soon become a delicacy on everyone's table. So, since the shovel officer has a dog, he must bring a leash!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Why is the dog hitting a dog every time

 Why is the dog hitting a dog every time the mistake is made, after a while, the dog still treats its owner well? Today I will tell you the reason, the reason is a little sad!

1. Because I like the owner

If your dog likes you very much, even if you hit it, it won't be angry with you, just for a while, the dog will be very enthusiastic about you and then sell well to you.

And dogs that like their owners will be especially loyal and obedient, not betraying them!

2. Fear of being abandoned by the owner

Some dogs are afraid that their owners will abandon them, so after they are beaten by their owners, they do not dare to resist and get angry with their owners, the dogs fear that their behavior will be abandoned by their owners.

These dogs are often abandoned before, so they don't want to be abandoned again!

3. Fear that the owner will not love.

If you are often indifferent to the dog and rarely interacted with the dog, then the dog will think that you do not love it, so after you hit the dog, it does not dare to be aggressive.

Since a dog that is afraid of such behavior will definitely make you fall in love with it, it will treat you very well!

4. Because it does not hold grudges

Some dogs are very friendly with humans, whether they are owners or strangers, they do not attack, so when the owner punishes them, these dogs that do not have a grudge against their owners still smile at their owners.

If your dog is a grudge, the owner will steal it!

5. Dogs are afraid of not having food

If you usually punish your dog by starving him, if he is beaten, he will certainly not be angry with you, and he will automatically treat you well for fear of running out of food. eat.

6. The dog is satisfied with you

After some smart dogs are punished by their owners, they know they have done wrong so they will find ways to win the hearts of their owners, when they see their owners angry, they will always indulge and lick you to make you happy.

Some owners feel that their dogs

 Some owners feel that their dogs, even though they may not be very smart, are able to do a lot of wisdom. In fact, the dog's IQ is not high. It depends on these. It may be pretending to be pig Tiger!

Be friendly with other dogs

Dogs also have their own "circle of friends", in order to eat well among dogs, smart dogs must be sociable, at the same time must be polite, have high emotional intelligence.

In contrast, unintelligent dogs may not understand dog social etiquette, act recklessly, lack courtesy, and may be bullied by other dogs, leading to fear of getting along with dogs. other dogs and afraid of group activities. It will also hide behind its owner and hide, the owner should give it social training from a young age and contact other dogs to make friends and have a higher "emotional intelligence".

Distinguish between good and bad

Dogs can sense changes in human emotions, and an intelligent dog can sense human hostility or kindness towards itself.

If he thinks this person is aggressive and bad, he will avoid him in the crowd or bark loudly, very vigilantly.

If he feels that this person is gentle, not aggressive, he will relax his guard, or wag his tail and actively approach.

Imitate the owner's actions

An intelligent dog will mimic the behavior of its owner, learn to open doors, open a dog's cage, and even stand and walk like a human.

In fact, dogs are very smart, when seeing their owners, they are happy because they can walk and walk. To please the owner, it will get up and walk consciously, but standing for a long time will damage the dog's bones and joints, passing the limit will lead to serious consequences such as paralysis.

Appreciate your beauty in the mirror

Some dogs will "jump up" when they see a mirror, because they don't know who is in the mirror, and they are actually doing the same behavior so they are afraid of facing the mirror.

But an intelligent dog is different, he knows he is in the mirror, so he does not hesitate to show himself in front of the mirror, and even admires his beauty often.

Fast learning in the training process

When the owner teaches the dog some movements, the dog can quickly memorize and fully master it after a few trainings, indicating that this is also a very intelligent dog, an intelligent dog. Can also help the owner carry the furniture and even recognize it. You can help the owner with chores on the way home.

If the dog is difficult to master, the owner should not be discouraged, you can reward the dog with snacks, create a deep impression and increase the motivation to train the dog.

Will act rude and begging with the owner

A smart dog knows how to act with its owner, and looks pitiful at it and can find food.

So, when the owner takes out the snacks, the dog will appear in front of the owner, hugging his thighs or screaming, hoping he can give it to him.

But the owner should pay attention to some foods that are not allowed to be eaten by dogs such as grapes, chocolates, onions, etc.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Everyone knows that cats are mischievous

 Everyone knows that cats are mischievous, they are very active and they are very curious about things that move. This little cat is very fond of the cage lizard. But when it teased the scene, it was counterattacked.

The shovel worker is a person who loves small animals, in the family with a blue cat and several lizards, many people might think lizards are a very scary animal, but in the eyes of shovel worker, They are just as cute as cats.

These lizards are crawling around the barn every day, every day the cats look at these lizards, they find it very interesting.

One day, the cat finally found all the courage to jump on the table, intending to pick up the lizard with his claws, but unexpectedly Western Westerner counterattacked, it opened its mouth and was about to bite the cat's claw, luckily is the cat quickly recovered. If not, you will be bitten.

It turned out that the shovel employee had opened the glass door when trying to change the food inside for the lizards. The cat was so scared, why did not the glass be closed when the shit shit?

I must say that raising such a small group of animals in the family is really fun every day.

Today, many people keep dogs at home, dogs are the most loyal friend of humankind, absolutely trustworthy and loyal to their owners, everyone is very confident, dogs will also give birth, their children are also cute, If you have one, it's also a good thing to be a boy.

That time, a large dog was raised at home. It does not take long for a large dog to give birth. He did not expect to have 11 children at the same time. The man feels very good at being punctual, but there's also some pressure. Lots of paparazzi, you yourself Feeding requires a certain economic power.

But the most troubling thing every day is definitely the dog mother, every 11 days she chases her to eat, she has nowhere to hide, in the yard chasing the children running around, the men can not smile, every day staying home. Endless happiness.

The puppies are getting bigger and bigger, it's time to wean gradually, but it's very difficult to wean. She doesn't want to feed them every day, but the puppies chase her, making the man feel very sorry for him. The dog, just got thrown.

As we all know, cats have two hobbies

 As we all know, cats have two hobbies, one is catching rats and the other is drying fish in a pond. A cat's habit has been around for a long time, but strangely, it hasn't changed.

But it also indirectly raises a problem, if the family wants to raise fish, what to do? In the eyes of cats, fish exist as delicacies, can fish live a long time? Obviously not. But there are people who don't believe in demons and have to raise them together, feeling that the cat won't do anything to hurt the world. Certainly, the master is still too naive. The owner has a cat at home, but the owner has a hobby, one day suddenly wants to raise a fish, the owner thinks for a long time, finally decides to raise a fish and forces himself.

Be sure that the next day the owner buys fish and breeds at home, he watches the cat every day. The owner is still a bit scared, afraid that the cat will actually eat the fish. So I covered the aquarium to prevent the cat from starting.

The teacher's approach is still very useful. Even though the cat was looking intently every day at the aquarium, it could not see it and did not give up, and it did not believe that there were no loopholes in the master's job, he watched every day and searched for muscle. festival. Just give it to anyone who wants to eat the beautiful goldfish in front of you.

With the development of technology, people's living standards are getting higher and higher. So now people will choose to keep pets at home, because although the standard of living is now high, the pressure is usually very high. So keeping a pet at home will help people relieve stress and get some mental fun.

My friend raised an Alaska child at home, when my friend saw their own Alaskan, they felt that their Alaskan was very strong. More consistent with their own identities.

But what my friends did not expect is that my Alaska is as dumb as Erha. Because my friends feed the Alaskan dogs with food, I have bought two ceramic pots at home for your convenience.

A porcelain pot is responsible for holding drinking water for Alaska, the other ceramic pots are responsible for storing Alaskan dog food. But once when a friend came home, they found two porcelain pots that had completely changed.

The bottom of the pot was completely damaged. When I got home, I still saw that the top of the pot was Alaska. A very humorous scene. It seems that Alaska also has the destructive power of huskies.

In real life there will always be a lot of misunderstandings

 In real life there will always be a lot of misunderstandings, when you understand the truth behind it you will suddenly realize that it is a fact, otherwise you will be kept in the dark! Of course, there are some misunderstandings that are not intentional, but just accidental and coincidental that they become like this, you can only discover after talking to him!

There is such a netizen having a cat at home. Not long ago, netizens discovered that a cat's tooth was broken, affecting its normal eating and drinking so he took him to the hospital and pulled out the broken tooth. And today, after giving him a meal, a netizen suddenly discovered he had two teeth exposed? It looks like a rabbit Why does a cat grow two teeth after extraction? As netizens bent closer and smiled and bent! It turns out that the white thing on the cat's mouth isn't its teeth, it's a fish that just ate!

This cat also knows how to extract teeth so use fish as teeth? This is too cute! If there was such a gnawed cat, it could be called the bunny cat! Cat: Shovel, have you seen my new dentures? Handsome is good looking, but not very strong!

Many kids, as long as they see what other people are playing, they will play with them as well. If someone else doesn't, he won't, this is the typical fun pose! In fact, not only humans but also pets around us. No matter what the master is playing and doing, it has to have its participation!

There is such a netizen who has a dog Akita at home, loves to come to enjoy it, at first if someone else does it, he is ready to do it. Today, the two of us are going to take a bath, so we fill the bathtub with water, we want to play around for a while before taking a bath. As for the dog Akita inherently disliked, hearing the laughter of the two small owners in the bathroom rushed over, then it jumped into the bath too! Forcing the little master aside!

Netizens, seeing this, thought they would have finished bathing, in the old days, they were clumsy, and they were unexpectedly easy to get into the water now! Akita also showed confusion after being bathed by the owner: How about playing in the water together? Why are you bathing me?