Thursday, August 20, 2020

A cat's constipation is mainly related to its food and stomach

A cat's constipation is mainly related to its food and stomach, so owners should pay attention to the cat's daily diet and physical aspects. At this point, the owner can give the cat some probiotics. The owner should not give lactulose to the cat. This may apply. The drinker should not arbitrarily give the cat to drink, every owner should take care of them in daily life to solve the problem of defecation as soon as possible.

1. Adjust your diet

Many owners often feed cats dry and hard food for convenience, cats refuse to drink water often, so they are prone to constipation. Therefore, the owner must first adjust the cat's diet. Replace cat food with wet food, then prepare some vegetable porridge, millet porridge, chicken liver porridge and other soft, easily digestible foods for the cat. At the same time, change the water source in time every day so that the cat drinks more water.

2. Add good bacteria to the gut

The cause of constipation except food is due to the cat's own poor digestion, weak small intestine, the cat's intestinal tract may lack some probiotics to help bowel movements. Cats prepare probiotics such as Miaolingchang, mix them with food or warm water, and continue feeding them for 1-2 days to see if the cat's discharge is back to normal.

3. Use Kaiserlu

In general, after the owner has followed the above methods, the cat is not severely constipated and has a bowel movement, but if the cat has not defecated for a long time then the owner may consider using Kaiserol on the cat, but Ask your veterinarian for help. Not using too much will harm the cat's body.

Therefore, the owner should pay more attention to the cat's diet in the near future, feed him more fruits and vegetables, instruct him to drink more water and try not to constipation again.

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