Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Did domestic cats become the first pets to get COVID-19 in the US?

 Currently, both children have respiratory failure and difficulty breathing. Authorities believe that cats can be cross-infected from humans through contact with objects in the home or in a residential area.

2 cats in 2 different places in New York City. These are the first reported cases of a pet with COVID-19 in the United States.

Local authorities said that, currently there is no sign that the two cats infected SARS-CoV-2 virus back to humans.

"People should not worry, nor should they be afraid of pets. There is no evidence that pets mediate the transmission of corona virus to humans," said Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (USA ) said.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that pets also need ... social distance: people limit their contact with people and other animals on the street.

Even so, the center does not recommend "rushing" COVID-19 testing for pets unless they come into contact with an infected person and show symptoms of SARS-CoV-2.

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Outside the US, many countries have recorded cases of domestic pets such as dogs and cats infected with COVID-19 when in close contact with patients.

Typically in Hong Kong, the 17-year-old squirrel dog was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus since mid-March and unfortunately passed away shortly thereafter. This is also the first case of animal death due to SARS-CoV-2 virus in the world.

Wild animals can also get COVID-19. In early April, a tiger in Bronx Zoo, New York (USA) contracted COVID-19 and was the first animal in the United States to become infected.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Dogs and human life that parents should learn

 What do we do when we have a small dog? One more step into life. Coexisting on the same awning And these dogs will change anything in our lives or not. Even the way we have to adjust ourselves when we live with him Let's see how the human-dog lifestyle is like real human friends.

1. The babysitter's relationship And dogs like parents and children

Dogs have been with humans for more than 15,000 years and have always been man's best friend. A true friend who gives love to people without doubts. But today, research by scientists at the Veterinary College in Vienna has confirmed that the Relationship between Dogs and Babysitters is also very similar. With the parent-child relationship found in humans The dogs are also able to adapt to living with humans. Some people even choose to have a dog as their main mate instead of a human.

2. Change us to have more patience

Petcitiz believes that on the first day friends Bring a new dog to live in the house Whether it is a childhood or middle-aged dog Must have met some of his excitement, such as crying or howling at night Wandering around the house barking Causes us to be restless for 1–2 weeks, and some people cannot sleep at night. Or bring it to others. But the reality, if we are patiently Calm down with all his actions and gradually Discipline little by little From the stubborn dog, it will be easier to say it, follow instructions without causing trouble. Also waiting nearby. Give each other love and warmth. Believe me that he will understand. And definitely cuter .

3. Change us for more discipline

That we and the dog will live well together. There should be rules in the house. That will allow him to follow the rules of our house The parties will have to follow their own rules in order to lose first, such as the old words like getting up late. Insomnia Life is not a pattern But when raising a dog Responsibility for another life Makes us wake up for more time Take him out to pee Eat on time Take it to the gym regularly. Discipline the dog This discipline will help prevent unkind behavior, aggression, and disobedience. There was also a good relationship between us and the dog.

4. Changing we learn to forgive and give

Many times the dog made mistakes. Accidental damage to furniture It could be that it gnawed at furniture, electrical wires, electrical equipment, shoes, bags, or even cell phones. That we try to tell you that you don't bite I still do how many warnings Until we want to punish them But just saw the dog's face bewildered, cocked his head not knowing what he did wrong. And who and where could punish. And even if it was a hit or a fierce loud voice, it could be to reinforce his aggressive behavior. What you should do is forgive and forgive what they do Gradually teach and teach patiently Because if we can't control our emotions Until he forgets to hurt him They we could lose the trust of our loyal friends for the rest of our lives.

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5. Make us have better human relationships

Before adopting a dog, some people may be away from home, listen to music, read books, or play on the computer alone. I rarely go out. But when a dog comes into life, it feels like being indirectly raped. Take him for a walk, see the world, socialize, meet many people. Even other dogs We too, meet and talk. Exchange your dog's story. This can also help build people-to-party relationships.

Can you see that keeping a dog for a lifetime gives us anything? Many things full of experience. And more happiness Warms our hearts And fills the void That was unconditional love That he gave us No matter how much we change Or how old you are His love constant. Just take care of him every day. And reciprocating love is enough.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jaundice in dogs: causes and treatment

 There are many reasons for the onset of the disease. The main cause is damage to the liver or spleen. Veterinarians often face acute hepatitis. If this is an older individual, it may develop chronic organ inflammation. It also affects the pancreas and small intestine.

Rare fungal infections, including coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, can also cause disease. This approach is very dangerous, because the fungus is not afraid of drugs and does not die from them. We have to use stronger substances that can adversely affect the animal's body.

Primary obesity is also the cause of the disease. This pathology is typical of dogs that frequently eat poor-quality, moldy food. Pathology can appear against the background of hormonal disorders.

With inappropriate or improper use of the drug, this problem can arise. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), phenobarbital or primidone, metronidazole should be used with caution. Antibiotics can also cause a similar reaction, which owners often self-treat on their pets. It is best to consult with an experienced veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.

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The dog can be infected with primary poisoning. The poison initially penetrates the liver structure. Herbicides, rodent poisons, zinc-based compounds, and others are harmful to pets. Rarely the disease is related to liver failure or any genetic disorder of the breed.

Sometimes we are talking about problems with the biliary tract and with the gallbladder itself. The cause of the disease may also be due to worms that live in the biliary tract. The hemolytic form can develop after a tick bite.

Liver amyloidosis is common in some dogs. It leads to illness. Varieties in the risk group include Boxer, Hounds, Shar Pei, Bedlington Terrier. A separate group is made up of hunting species and street pets.

Unfortunately, not a single animal is immune to the disease.

Who is a bull and where did this breed come from?

 Who is the scammer and where did he come from? Remember a little bit of history. The emergence of the bullmastiff breed is dictated by the need of certain groups of people involved in the protection of private forest lands, forest guardians and game watchers, who seek to breed these the dog has the watchdog qualities of a clam, the resilience of a bulldog, the instinct and fatigue of a hound.

Only such an animal could complete the task given to it. We should also not forget the high combat qualities a four-legged assistant should have: killing a royal deer in medieval England would be punished by death, so armed poachers. was desperate against the arrest. All about bullmastiff breeds The selection of functional qualities and psychological traits follows: the dog must be strong, strong, resilient, sturdy, of medium height and weight, in order to cope with a or more people have a weapon during the arrest, but must also be controlled by the owner. 

These qualities have been polished for more than a generation of humans and have been constantly challenged in their work, not only in capturing poachers, but also in battles with bulls and wild animals. wild. One type of test is applied to such groups of dogs that have received further survival as their breed. Dog performance was also tested in traditional tests carried out in England until the 20th century. The nature of the tests stems from a volunteer going into the woods from the public, and then for a certain time, a dog in a muzzle is allowed to follow him, it will find him and keep him motionless until the owner arrives. 

The Thornwund Terror (owner Barton), who has never lost a test, has become particularly popular at such contests. In addition to these contests, Terror took part in battles that took place in the lobby of the old Westminster Aquarium until 1905, in which he was gagged up with anyone who wanted to measure his strength with him. Terror has never been defeated by anyone. Barton used a special training method, the system outlined in the article "Maintenance and education of sports dogs", published in 1905 and used by British military and police cytologists in their actual work. 

The official birth date of the bullmastiff is considered to be June 23, 1925 - the date of founding the Mindland Bullmastiff Club, recognized by the Kennel Club and developed the first breed standard. Nowadays, this breed is widely popular in America, Europe, Asian countries, and Russia. It is becoming more and more popular in our Ukraine. Characteristics The modern male dog's temper has become one of the main guarantees of the breed's health, and many Western dog breeders are inclined to consider it a physicist. thought. The personality of a bull is to control, obey, respond to the will and mood of the owner, adore children, and has no tendency to dominate the family. At the same time is an effective guard dog, sacrificing himself. The Bullmastiff is so calm, I would even say a flamboyant dog with envious patience. Many owners say about this, in families with young children growing up. Our "baby" was fourteen years old, but when my friend came to visit us with her little baby, Sheila graciously allowed him to pull his ear, poke his finger in his nose, look under the wing and step on her in every possible way

. But if the child becomes too uncomfortable, and she gets tired of his touches, then she wants to just quietly sneak up to her place. Children are the best friends of scammers. Despite appearing "sleepy" and lazy, the cowboy sincerely enjoys children's pleasures, accompanies his little owners, and in winter, he plays the "horse" Enjoy a ride of a sleigh. This is the versatile nature of the bullmastiff. Bullmastiffs has been with us for six years now. During this time, they have become more than just a hobby for me. Thanks to them, I have made many new friends, people who "love dogs", who love this breed. Many of them participate professionally in this breed. I really hope that both my experience and that of other breeders and owners of bulls, which I will try to summarize in this article, will help future owners of "god. This "pharmaceutical" understands and loves this breed, and also to find out if this breed is really suitable for them, for their way of life, whether they want a decent, intelligent friend. and so devoted to my side. All sassy guys are different in personality and temperament.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Proposing to investigate the case of the communal militia killing many rare wild cats

 The Nature Education Center (ENV) has just sent an official request to H.Cai Be Police (Tien Giang) to investigate and deal with a militia on the act of killing many wild cats that are rare wild animals.

The image of Cuong killing a wild cat was then posted on his personal Facebook /// Photo provided by ENV

Photo Cuong killed wild cats and then posted on Facebook personally


This morning, August 26, information from ENV said that ENV Deputy Director Bui Thi Ha signed a letter to H.Cai Be Police (Tien Giang), asking this agency to investigate and handle Mr. Huynh's behavior. Huu Cuong (residing in Tan Thanh commune, H.Cai Be district) about killing endangered and rare wild animals and posting many photos on his personal Facebook page.

Regarding this incident, ENV's 18001522 switchboard received more than 100 calls, reports of people reporting Mr. Cuong's behavior of killing wildlife, showing that people are very angry and angry. about offensive photos posted on Mr. Cuong on Facebook

After entering the verification, the ENV confirmed that the killed wild animal posted on Mr. Cuong's personal Facebook was a wild cat, a species belonging to a group of endangered and rare wildlife, specified in the Decree. Decision 06/2019 by the Government.

According to ENV, under pressure from public opinion, Cuong's Facebook account has removed the "showing" of the victory of killing wild cats, but this behavior is a sign of violation of the law on dynamic protection. wild animals.

Notably, this is not the first time Mr. Cuong has killed wild animals. Before that, on November 20, 2018, on his personal Facebook page, this person also posted many pictures of killing wild cats.

“Mr. Cuong is a member of the militia force of the commune, has a certain legal knowledge about wildlife crimes, should be an exemplary but blatantly posting pictures of killing wild cats online. The society not only violates the law but also adversely affects the image of the militia and self-defense soldier in the hearts of the people ”, stated the ENV.

In the attached dispatch, ENV transfers all the collected images and information to H.Cai Be Police to request further investigation, clarification and handling of violations in accordance with law.

Monday, November 23, 2020

5 What is a natural cure for your dog?

The Natural Green Goddess blog has been posting articles on its website for the past few years. It provides ways to use items in the house that can help heal your dog. All of this is easy. That you can do on your own. But if you are unsure, be sure to have the veterinarian test it out before applying it to your dog, if possible.

1. Solve fungal infections and abdominal irritation with natural yogurt.

Jamie Lee Curtis, actress and doctor, presented about the amazing benefits of yogurt for the digestive tract. They are rich in good bacteria. This is great for preventing fungal infections, especially for puppies. Natural yogurt can be added to a dog's diet.

2. Remove ridges in hair with white butter.

If you and your naughty dog enjoy the outdoors. You may be faced with thorns, twigs, or anything else that gets caught in the dog's fur while walking. Sometimes the hard spikes can cling to the hairline, the skin of the feet, you can remove the spikes and care for the hair with white butter, as the sebum can help pull the spines out. However, it is important to bathe your dog after applying the oil to prevent the stain from spreading throughout the treatment area.

3. Prevent skin rash and itchiness with Calendula Tincture.

If your dog has an itchy skin or a red rash on the skin. An herb called 'calendula' works really well. Calendula has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This can help dogs with skin allergies or itchy bumps. Most health food stores sell calendula. Alcoholic tincture Dilute a small amount of tincture with water and spray over the affected area. It should also be checked when the dog is itchy. You should see if there are fleas. And don't forget to consult your veterinarian about food.

4. Wash your ears with apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Venica It appeared on many health blogs over the past year. Because of its amazing health properties According to its properties, it is also beneficial for dogs. If your dog has an itchy ear canal or earlobe, mix half of apple cider vinegar with half water and use it to clean the ear. By dampening a cotton ball and wiping gently around the ear until no irritation or debris has become trapped

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5. Prevent citrus ticks

Can prevent ticks with citrus. This is a natural way to help prevent animals from sucking blood. Use water or orange peel. Either lemon rub along the dog's fur. Or give a dog (or cat) lemon or orange juice. These extracts are rich in limonene. Which substances help prevent insects But too much can cause skin irritation. And can seriously affect the liver of the pet. So, if used in moderation, it will be very beneficial for the dog. I know these methods are easy to follow. But before use, you should consult a veterinarian for a bit. If you've used other natural remedies you can also let us know in the comments below. If those methods work